Pain Warriors (A Review) – The Other Side of the Opioid Crisis


“Pain Warriors” is a newly released film that looks at the other side of the opioid crisis. It examines the chronic pain patients forgotten in the “war on prescription drugs”. I have carried out this review of Pain Warriors in exchange for access to the film.

The documentary follows the stories of several chronic pain patients and looks at the harm caused by a “one size fits all” approach to pain management. This is a very current issue in the UK at the moment. For my thoughts on that check out this article.

Pain Warriors is devastatingly powerful and thought provoking. It does not shy away from the reality of life with chronic pain and the heartbreaking result for many patients denied access to proper treatment.

The film features two particularly tragic stories of patients who die by suicide, following lengthy battles with chronic pain. It is incredibly hard hitting and I would advise having tissues to watch it. Despite it being an, at times, difficult watch, I would highly recommend viewing Pain Warriors. It is a must see for pain patients, the general population and medical professionals alike.

For my full review of Pain Warriors (and where to access the film) see the video below.

For a full insight into my experience of living with chronic pain read my article “The Pain Behind Closed Doors”.

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